by November 16, 2017 0 comments


Maybe some of us still don’t know what anoas are. Anoas are mammals. They are j of the buffalos. Anoa is a dwarf buffalo species, and they are the smallest two species of anoa.
           It’s Mountain Anoa and Lowland Anoa. Both species of Anoa are currently at an endangered status, due to the reduced habitat of their land, and also because of human hunts their meat, horns and skin. The fact that very few Anoa’s habits have known. This is happening because they are the least endangered species to learn.
Anoa can be found on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lowland Anoa can be found in swamp forest areas, whereas MountainAnoacan be found in higher forests. Unlike most buffalo kinds, Anoadoesnt live in groups. They only live with their partner. They will only meet in an Anoa’s group when the female Anoa gives birth.
Anoa’s length about 76 cm measured from the shoulder, and weighs around 150 kg to 300 kg. Anoas have white marks on their heads and legs, and there is a white color shaped like a crescent moon in the area of ​​their throat. Anoas have horns that can reach 38 cm in length.
When they were young, they would have thick, light brown hair. When they are grown up , the fur will be thinner and the color will be darker.Mountain Anoa actually also has a similar appearance. It's just that the Anoamountains remain hairy thick to adulthood, and their horns come to be smaller.
Most of anoa active in the morning and in the evening when the temperature is not too hot. When the daytime and temperatures are hot, they will rest in the shade. They also love to soak in the water or mud to keep their bodies cool.
Anoas are include
d in herbivor animals. Their main foods are grass, ferns, plants, and fruit that fall from the tree. They also drink the sea water to meet the mineral needs in their bodies.
Anoa is a passive and shy animal. They will only attack using their horns if they feel threatened. And humans are the most creatures that often make them feel threatened.
Anoas are ready to marry when they were in 2 or 3 years old and give birth once a year. They also don’t have a breeding season. Female anoa have a gestation period of 275 - 315 days. Young Anoas will be remove after they are in 6 to 9 months.Anoa's life span is about 15 to 20 years in the wild. Male anoa often mark the tree using its horns and they will scratch the ground after urinating (pee).


Kinds of species
Mountain Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi)
Lowland Anoa (Bubalus depressicornis)
Life Span
15-22 years in wild
Anatomy :
76-78 cms
150-300 kgs
Thin (old anoa) Thick  (young anoa)
Two horn ( < 38cms)

Grass, ferns, fruit, and plants
Walk, run
Thick light brown hair (young)
Will be darker when they are older




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